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                Product display

                Service Hotline:



                Strength advantage

                Strong technical strength, standardized business behavior, and rigorous work style.

                The company has a variety of product types, each part of the work is clear, so that the product structure design is more reasonable.

                The company adheres to the corporate philosophy of "honesty and truth-seeking" and the corporate spirit of taking science and technology as the guide, quality for survival, and integrity for development.


                products advantage

                Main business: processing and customization of sunny umbrellas, sun umbrellas, advertising tents, and other products.

                Years of industry experience, strict selection of materials, and focus on quality; the firm umbrella ribs are more effective in resisting gale, and the strong umbrella pole is light and strong, bringing you a different experience.


                technology advantage

                The company's products are produced in strict accordance with quality standards, and the products adopt solid technical procedures to ensure product stability and reliable quality.

                The company conducts strict inspections on various performance indicators of umbrellas to ensure that the pass rate of products meets the requirements of customer satisfaction.


                service advantage

                Rigorous after-sales team, caring service attitude, truly worry-free after-sales.

                In order for users to truly understand their needs, we will solve all kinds of problems for you, and we will put customers first.


                Main business: processing and customization of sunny umbrellas, sun umbrellas, advertising tents, and other products

                Dingfeng Rain Gear Factory in Longkou Town, Heshan City is a company specializing in the production and processing of umbrellas, sun umbrellas, tents, and other products. It has a complete and scientific quality management system.

                The integrity, strength and product quality of Dingfeng Rain Gear Factory in Longkou Town, Heshan City have been recognized by the industry. Friends from all walks of life are welcome to visit, guide and negotiate business.



                13392518015(Mr. Lee)

